Taproot Farm Postcard

Taproot Farm in Bucks County, PA needed new postcards to advertise their CSA farm shares. I used Photoshop to piece together images from a product photoshoot, creating a spread of some of the farm’s best-selling produce items to use for the postcard’s cover image. For the reverse side of the postcard, I created a border using additional product images to achieve a cohesive design between the front and back.


Taproot Farm Business Cards

Created for the two owners of Taproot Farm, I designed business cards that adhered to the farm’s branding guidelines.

Overhead Business Card Mockup.png

Taproot Farm Additional Work

Some of my additional work for Taproot Farm includes the design of CSA share labels, market signs and the farm’s first egg carton design for regional market distribution.


Carrie Hagen


Mingle Mocktails